EPISODE 194: matisyahu

On a very special episode of the WSP, Andy & Nick discuss musician's internet personas. What drives your social media intentions: Is it pessimism or honesty, and what's the line between honoring your truth vs keeping it REAL?? Also: sex & drugs & rock & roll! And on the Interview Hour we got the legend himself, Matisyahu! Andy and he talk tribe, music, and all the ups & downs of this beautiful mess we call LIFE. Shawn sings a song about staying safe on the road.

New album is done AND we got a tour coming up with our buddies, Little Stranger?? Don't forget to catch the band on the road andyfrasco.com/tour

Follow us on Instagram @worldsavingpodcast

For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to:


Check out Andy Frasco & The U.N. (Feat Little Stranger)'s new song, "Oh, What A Life" on iTunes, Spotify 

Welcome to his world: matisyahuworld.com

Produced by Andy Frasco, Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz

Audio mix by Chris Lorentz

Featuring: Shawn Eckels, Arno Bakker

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